Level: All
March 11 - April 29, 2025
8 weeks
Instructor: Anda Styler
Instructor's website
Fee: $300
The focus of this class will be in understanding the relationship between values and light and the effects they have on the palette of your painting. Much emphasis will be placed on fine tuning the student’s observational skills and their ability to decide what scenes/objects make for interesting painting compositions. Anda begins most classes with a demonstration teaching students about color mixing, values, composition and brush strokes. Students will have the choice to work from Anda’s images or to use one of their own. Anda uses acetate overlays as a tool to illustrate various possibilities in the student’s work. This class is open to acrylic and oil painters.
Supply List:
BRUSHES: Any of these in sizes from small to large. DICK BLICK brand angle brushes are great.
- Soft water color-types of brushes rounds or flats size 24,8,10 etc.
- Riggers ( script brushes ) – fine for details 00,3,6,7, etc.
- Angle brushes 1/4”, 1/2”, 3/4, 1” ( these brushes are wonderful for painting buildings, fields, water and details in buildings Large soft flat brush – for working large areas
BASIC PAINT LIST: GOLDENS acrylic paints are best I have ever used and I recommend them. I have listed their colors below and they are available from ASW 1 800-995-6778 Art Supply Warehouse). Windsor Newton Finity colors are good and are available at ASW or select a STUDENT BRAND. If this is your FIRST time painting in acrylics you can buy a beginners set of acrylics for a reasonable price – this has 8-12 basic and you can add to that. If you are painting in oils, replicate the colors below and bring your own turpenoid in a resealable container.
Acrylic Paints – Golden Brand recommended
- Titanium White
- Ultramarine Blue
- Yellow Oxide regular size
- Dairylade Yellow
- Thalo Blue – Green Shade
- Cad Yellow Medium
- Raw Umber
- Transparent Brown Oxide
- Quinacridone Burnt Orange
- Raw Sienna
- Paynes Grey
- Neutral Grey #5
Oil Paints
- Titanium White
- Transparent Red Oxide
- Ultramarine Blue
- Thalo Blue
- Cad Yellow Med
- Raw Umber
- Transparent brown Oxide
- Quinacridone Burnt Orange
- Raw Sienna
- Paynes Grey
- Canvas board Okay – Avoid it if you can
- PORTRAIT SMOOTH or LINEN is the best and comes pre-stretched
- COTTON DUCK with 2 to 3 coats gesso and sanded.
- PAPER is not recommended
- SIZE: It is up to you, but if it is your first time 16 X 20, 18 X 24 is good to start. If you stretch your own pick any size you are comfortable with
PALLET: STA-WET PREMIER PALLET FROM MASTERSONS is the best I have ever used. It keep the acrylic paints wet and workable for hours without drying – this is an incredible breakthrough in using acrylics. It is a tray with a thin wet sponge that fits inside with a very strong paper that fits over the sponge and lasts about 2-3 days. It also has a snap on lid. Available at ASW ! 800-995-6778. 12 X 16 pallet is $16.95& paper to fit is $8.77 (40 sheets). or call MastersonsArt Products 602-263-6017. The whole tray costs about $23 . THIS IS A MUST FOR ON LOCATION PAINTING!!!
About the Instructor
Anda Styler lives in Sandy Hook, Connecticut and has been painting in oils and acrylics since she was 16. Acrylics, however, remain her favorite medium. Anda graduated from the Parson School of Design and has been devoted to her art ever since. She has many accomplishments in the art world, including interviews with both local and national publications, such as American Art Collector, Who’s Who in America, Country Gardeners Magazine, Victoria Magazine along with numerous awards and recognitions for her work as a painter.
Anda’s paintings and techniques are published in two books by North Light Publications. Her works are currently represented by several galleries in and around New England and to her credit, she has had many one-woman shows with great success. Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago is lucky to have four of her large paintings in their permanent collection.