As a photographer and photo educator, Arthur has experienced the technological and artistic changes that have transformed the medium in a personal way. An exhibit of the work of Harry Callahan, 50 years ago in NYC, made a lasting impression that profoundly influenced his understanding of the power of photography to communicate and convey a personal vision. Arthur remains convinced that the pursuit of a unique way to see the world can best be demonstrated through the collective body of a photographer’s work which he has emphasized as an artist, educator, and for 20 years as Director of the Photography Department at the University of Bridgeport. This pursuit has followed a path that reflects the artistic concerns and currents that shaped the aesthetic evolution and technology of the medium during the 1970s. The genre of “street photography” has been Arthur’s preoccupation in both his vintage and current work. He regards the city and suburb as a social landscape, and accordingly photographs people, their mutual connection and separation, as well as places used and often abandoned. His goal has been to document the ever changing and evolving details of our culture to convey what is timeless and constant in our lives.
Learn more about Arthur: arthurnager.com