Level: All levels welcome. Not appropriate for absolute beginners.
Jun 12
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Instructor: Souby Boski
Fee: $115
“Painting Creatively from Photos” – Oil & Acrylic Workshop
Most artists use source photos in some capacity when they work, whether to jog their memory of a particular place and time or to record specific visual details to incorporate in later pieces.
In this workshop students will learn to paint in a creative, personal, and expressive way using reference photographs – freeing them from copying.
Learn to dismiss the sense of obligation to show exactly what is depicted in the photo and feel free and inspired to manipulate the composition, assuring vitality and making the painting your personal creation.
Supply List
Everyone has their own favorite colors, brushes, mediums, canvases. Any supplies you have will be fine.
Minimum Required Supplies
- Paints (oil or acrylic paints): Primary colors of your choice; Lots of white. Suggestions: Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson , Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Kings Blue, Cobalt Violet, Ultramarine Violet, Dioxazine Purple, Sap Green, Permanent Green, Naples Yellow (150 ml tube suggested), Permabla white (150ml tubes suggested), other colors of choice
- Painting Surfaces: Several primed canvases, boards or gessoed heavy paper of assorted sizes
- Brushes: Artists brushes of different sizes. And ordinary house painting brushes (1 – 2 in.)
- Palette Knives
- Your favorite mediums for Oil and Acrylic paints
- Containers: Oil Painters – Plastic peanut butter type jars with tight lids for mixing medium. Acrylic Painters – Large Jars for water
- Palettes: Disposable Artist’s palettes for mixing paint.
- Rags: Clean cotton cloth rags and an old terry cloth towel or paper towels.
- Thin stick of charcoal, Baby Wipes, Disposable gloves
- Reference photos
Instructor Bio – SOUBY BOSKI
Drawing inspiration from Abstract Expressionism as well as Impressionism, Souby Boski uses gestural and abstracted forms to define her richly textured compositions. Her loosely painted canvases are immediate responses to her visceral connection with her subjects.
Souby has her MALS degree from Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT and her BA from Stetson University, DeLand, FL
Souby Boski has been an Art teacher in the CT public schools and Adjunct Professor of Art at Naugatuck Valley Community College. Since 2004, she has been teaching painting classes and workshops at area art education venues in CT, MA and FL. She has studied painting with nationally recognized artists and teachers, Eric Aho, Ira Barkoff, Lois Dodd and Ruth Miller.
EXHIBITION HISTORY “Works on Paper Invitational” Blue Mountain Gallery, New York City Behnke Doherty Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA“Small Works Invitational”, Blue Mountain Gallery, New York, NY “Sphere of Influence: Ira Barkoff & the Washington Art Association”, Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury, CT“Winter Wonders”, Gallery 19, Essex, CT“PAINT: A National Juried Exhibition”, Hera Gallery, Wakefield, RILiz Afif Fine Art, Philadelphia, PA“Spectrum 2013”, New Canaan, CT– 1st prize paintingA.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NYBehnke Doherty Gallery, Washington Depot, CT Minor Memorial Gallery, Roxbury, CT Higgins Gallery, Western Connecticut State University Behnke Doherty Gallery, Washington Depot, CT Lenox Invitational Exhibit, Lenox MA White Silo Gallery, Sherman CT
Below is an example of work created during one of Souby’s prior “Painting Creatively from Photographs” workshop.
A note about Covid compliance: You can be assured that RAC is doing everything possible to keep its customers and staff safe from the Corona Virus. Our studio is spacious and airy with excellent air circulation and plenty of room for people to stay safely distanced from one another. While our studio can easily accommodate up to 20 people, we are only allowing a maximum of 9 students and one teacher at a time. Every student will have a 5′-6′ foot table of their own on which to work and will have their own set of supplies.
Note that all students are required to be vaccinated. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance and exits to the studio and all shared spaces and equipment will be thoroughly disinfected before and after every class. As always, please do not come to the studio if you are feeling sick or have the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath (other than the excitement of seeing us), sudden loss of smell or taste, chills, body aches, or sore throat.