Level: all
Jun 25
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Instructor: Anda Styler
Fee: $170
This workshop is about transforming one of your smaller landscape paintings into a much larger version of itself. But how do you do this without losing the power of the original composition? How do you go from an 8×10 to 36×36 or larger and make a dynamic painting? How do you decide which of your smaller paintings are good candidates to go big? Anda will have the answers to all these questions and will guide you through your own “from small to big” painting process.
You’ll need to bring a few of your favorite smaller landscape paintings or drawings to class. Choose the ones that you’d like to take to a larger format. You can also use a photo, but working from a painting will give you a better understanding of how to go about enlarging your painting and adding the power of light and shadow to it. In case you don’t have a landscape painting or photo you’d like to use, Anda will have one for you.
The process is fun and exciting – bringing a drawing pad is a must. Sketching out the ideas is essential. Open to acrylic and oil painters.
Suggested Supplies
3-4 of your favorite smaller landscape paintings or drawings
Sketch pad
Pencil and/or charcoal
36″x36″ canvas or other large size
BRUSHES: Any of these in sizes from small to large. DICK BLICK brand angle brushes are great.
- Soft water color-types of brushes rounds or flats size 24,8,10 etc.
- Riggers ( script brushes ) – fine for details 00,3,6,7, etc.
- Angle brushes 1/4”, 1/2”, 3/4, 1” ( these brushes are wonderful for painting buildings, fields, water and details in buildings Large soft flat brush – for working large areas
ACRYLIC PAINTS – Golden Brand recommended
- Ultramarine Blue
- Yellow Oxide regular size
- Dairylade Yellow
- Thalo Blue – Green Shade
- Cad Yellow Medium
- Raw Umber
- Transparent Brown Oxide
- Quinacridone Burnt Orange
- Raw Sienna
- Paynes Grey
- Neutral Grey #5
Oil Paints
- Transparent Red Oxide
- Ultramarine Blue
- Thalo Blue
- Cad Yellow Med
- Raw Umber
- Transparent brown Oxide
- Quinacridone Burnt Orange
- Raw Sienna
- Paynes Grey
About the Instructor
Anda Styler lives in Sandy Hook, Connecticut and has been painting in oils and acrylics since she was 16. Acrylics, however, remain her favorite medium. Anda graduated from the Parson School of Design and has been devoted to her art ever since. She has many accomplishments in the art world, including interviews with both local and national publications, such as American Art Collector, Who’s Who in America, Country Gardeners Magazine, Victoria Magazine along with numerous awards and recognitions for her work as a painter.
Anda’s paintings and techniques are published in two books by North Light Publications. Her works are currently represented by several galleries in and around New England and to her credit, she has had many one-woman shows with great success. Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago is lucky to have four of her large paintings in their permanent collection.
A note about Covid compliance: You can be assured that RAC is doing everything possible to keep its customers and staff safe from the Corona Virus. Our studio is spacious and airy with excellent air circulation and plenty of room for people to stay safely distanced from one another. While our studio can easily accommodate up to 20 people, we are only allowing a maximum of 9 students and one teacher at a time. Every student will have a 5′-6′ foot table of their own on which to work and will have their own set of supplies.
Note that it is required that all students to be vaccinated and wear a mask while working in the studio. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance and exits to the studio and all shared spaces and equipment will be thoroughly disinfected before and after every class. As always, please do not come to the studio if you are feeling sick or have the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath (other than the excitement of seeing us), sudden loss of smell or taste, chills, body aches, or sore throat.