Jan 9
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sean & Deirdre Murtha
Fee: $5.00 (suggested donation)
Everyone is welcome when the Rowayton Arts Center hosts its monthly Open Chantey Sing. Lead, sing along with, and/or listen to chanteys, works songs, and other maritime songs. Bring your voices, instruments, friends, and enthusiasm for sea music!
This musical celebration of nautical and maritime history is led by Deirdre Murtha of The Johnson Girls, her husband Sean and special guests from New York and throughout Connecticut. Murtha and her three partners in The Johnson Girls have been performing chanteys (sailors’ work songs) and traditional and contemporary maritime songs from many cultures for 14 years in both the United States and Europe.
A $5 suggested donation covers refreshments and a donation to the Arts Center. No registration is necessary – just come and bring your friends!
2nd Sunday (September-May) – 4 to 7 pm
3rd Thursday (June-August) – 6:30 to 9:30 pm