Level: All
August 6 - August 27, 2020
1:00 - 4:00pm
4 weeks
Instructor: Dana Goodfellow
Instructor's website
Fee: $110
The goal of this class is to use theories of composition, layout, design and perspective to allow for stronger REALISTIC or ABSTRACT paintings. Values, color mixing and different brushstroke and mark making will be emphasized in each class. The use of line, hard and soft edges, chiaroscuro, glazes and different mediums and substrates will be taught. There will be painting demos and lectures of both realistic and abstract painting. Modern and classic artists are referenced throughout the class. This class is a mixture of students whose work is either realistic or abstract or a mixture of both styles.
This class will be taught online using Zoom. Dana will be using the first 1/2 hour to teach students about the subject of the day. A combination of lectures and demonstrations will be used. Students will then have time to paint on their own while keeping contact with Dana through the Zoom platform. Individual instruction and encouragement will be given throughout the class to help each student reach their goals. This class has a “no stress” policy. So bring your joy of painting and join us for a lot of fun!
Supply List:
The teacher will send you an image for you to work from, but feel free to choose an image of your own.
The following is a list of what you could bring. All items listed below are available at Jerry’s Artarama in Norwalk.
I suggest bringing what you have to the first class and filling in after you see what I use. Anything that has a “star” (*) is not necessary.
OIL: (Charvin fine oil, Old Holland, Gamblin)
- Titanium white
- Cadmium yellow med and light
- Cad red light, or med
- Cadmium Orange
- Alizarin Crimson Permanent or Vermillion or Quinacridone magenta
- Ultramarine blue
- Scheveningen blue light*/ Old Holland or Thalo Blue/ any brand
- Transparent red oxide*/ Old Holland
- Golden ochre*
- Gamboge**/ Old Holland
- Sap Green***/ Old Holland
ACRYLIC: (Charvin, Golden, Liquitex)
- Titanium white
- Cadmium yellow light and medium
- Cadmium Orange
- Cad red light, or med
- Quinacrinone magenta
- Alizarine Crimson
- Ultramarine blue
- Transparent red oxide*
- Golden ochre*
- Phthalo blue/Thalo blue
- Cobalt blue*
- Golden Gloss medium or the new Golden OPEN medium
- Charvin new acrylic mediums
- 2 palette knives, Home Depot brushes (1/2 inch, 1 inch and 2 inch)
- Bristle brushes –Robert Simmons or similar
- Rounds and flats in nylon– DaVinci , Pro Arte, Rafael or similiar
- Flat or filbert bristle brushes #1,2,4,6,8, round nylon #3,8,10
- Round nylon sables: #8, #10 or short handle 1 inch, 1-1/2 inch and 2 inch
Plus, grey palette paper pad or white at Jerry’s, plastic pallet box, paper towels, containers for turp, sketch paper, plastic bags for garbage and pencils.