Level: All
March 13 - May 1Fridays
8 weeks
Instructor: Sam Morrow
Instructor's website
Fee: $255
Beginning with the project of copying an old master painting, Sam Morrow works one on one to explain the process of traditional oil painting techniques – under painting, body paint, glazing, scumbling, wet into wet, wet into dry, transparency, opacity and impasto handling (as well as others). This will lead to the student applying the same principles to their own ideas and work. Sam stresses not only sound technique but encourages individual experiment and the use of painting to communicate not only beauty but personal expression. Group discussion will be a feature in all classes.
All levels from absolute beginner to advanced are welcome.
Supply List:
Paints: Ivory Black, Flake White, Titanium White, Zinc White, Veridian Green, Terre Verte (Earth Green), Permanent Green, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Prussian Blue, Light Red (actually a sepia brown), Alizarin Crimson (‘lake’ is best but ‘permanent’ will be ok), Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ocre, Cadmium Red
Essential Materials: Linseed Oil (Artist’s Quality not Household!), Artist’s Thinners (Mona Lisa brand is good)., Flat, medium-sized palette., Paint rags (old T Shirts, sheets etc…), Empty food cans, jars etc…, Tacklebox or similar for storing paints.
Brushes: A good selection of small-to-medium sized oil painting brushes (these tend to be a courser bristle than watercolor). Buy long-handled brushes for better balance and handling.
Canvas: Initially you will need 2 or 3 canvas boards. These are fairly inexpensive. After a couple of weeks, feel free to purchase stretched canvas. If you have previous experience with painting use stretched canvas if you prefer.
Other Materials (optional): Damar varnish, Linseed Stand Oil, Liquin Paint Medium
For the First class: We will be starting off with a transcription project (if you’re a beginner..if not come prepared to paint whatever you like). By copying an old master painting you’ll get a good grasp of most of the major painting techniques. Please go to the library and find a painting that you find interesting.
Sam Morrow recently moved to Fairfield,CT after having taught art both privately and at University level for 15 years in Virginia. He was born in London, England where he received his BA (Hons) in Painting from St. Martin’s School of Art. Sam received his MFA Fine Art from the Royal college of Art in London and Ohio State University. His work has been shown in numerous galleries throughout London, NYC, Brooklyn, Columbus, Tennessee, and Virginia. His work over the last decade has dealt with various investigations into the contemporary world of the information age. For several years he painted local landscapes, seen from the car and the road – the way most of us experience landscape in the 21st Century. These are not plein air paintings as such, but based on stills from videos and snapshots. Experience is increasingly second hand. The virtual has become a way of seeing – for good or bad.

Painting by Sam Morrow