Level: all

May 9 - June 20, 2023



7 weeks

Instructor: Sharon Schmiedel

Instructor's website

Fee: $220

Forget about perfection, watercolor opens up new possibilities because at times it has a mind of its own. If you let go, it can lead you to new ideas and discoveries. Trial and error is encouraged in this class. You will also get a handle on finding the big shapes, value scale, color mixing and even adding gouache for a different effect. I will introduce concepts and give demos at the beginning of each class to encourage a freer way of painting. Then, everyone will paint, play, and ask questions. Open to students of all levels. These sessions will be recorded and available to students for at least 2 weeks following each recording.

NOTE:  This class will be taught online using Zoom.  Students are expected to be well versed in the use of Zoom prior to the start of class.


Drawing Materials: Please have a 6B pencil, kneaded eraser, Black fine line waterproof marker (a sharpie is fine). I will also be using Derwent Inktense Pencils occasionally (these are like watercolor pencils but more intense). If you have watercolor pencils any brand you can use them instead.

Watercolor Paint: If you have tubes of watercolor and a palette any brand use them. A best buy is Winsor Newton student grade known as “Cotman” they are far above the quality of JobLot watercolors. They have 2 sizes 8ml approx $3.00 a tube and 21 ml approx $6 a tube, Ideally get the 21ml size for colors 1-4, and to spend less get the rest in small tubes. These prices at dickblick.com and jerrysartarama.com. they often cost more on amazon. Note: Winsor Newton is only brand to use for Raw Sienna, its an earthy yellow, in all other brands its brown. Quinacrodone Gold any brand possible substitution.

Colors in my palette:

  1. Lemon Yellow hue
  2. Raw Sienna (Winsor Newton brand only)
  3. Cerulean Blue
  4. French Ultramarine or Ultramarine blue
  5. Cadmium Red light
  6. Quinacridone magenta
  7. Burnt Umber
  8. Sap Green
  9. Alizarin Crimson
  10. Burnt sienna
  11. Black
  12. Viridian

Gouache paint: a tube of white (this is much more opaque than watercolor white, I use Winsor Newton, but any brand will do. We will occasionally use this.

Watercolor Paper: Pad of  9×12” Canson XL spiral bound Mixed Media paper is what I will be using, usually Walmart has this brand as do most art stores. Do NOT buy paper at Job Lot it is awful. If you have watercolor paper you can use that instead. 140lb cold press is good unless you get precious with it.

Watercolor brushes: Synthetic sables are cheaper and fine. You will need one good quality Round Medium brush size #12. Princeton Neptune is a good inexpensive brand. Escoda synthetic sables are excellent and reasonable. The other larger brush I will be using and highly recommend is a Princeton Neptune Quill #6 it is large round about $25, optional be sure you like watercolor before buying. If you have a 1” flat brush you can use that instead.

Palette: Link is to one I use, any palette will do that has 12+ wells and a cover


Other supplies: 2 Cups for water, artist tape, paper towels, small spray bottle, toothbrush


Sharon Schmiedel has a BFA in painting from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She works in watercolor, pen and ink, mixed media and acrylics. These works are energetic and expressive; it is the opposite direction from the many years she spent working in technical illustration, medical illustration, and graphic design. She now spends her creative energy painting, drawing, and teaching.

To see Sharon’s most recent artwork follow her on Instagram artwork_sharon or her website at www.sharon.gallery.