Level: Int - Adv
Fall 2, 2019
10:00am - 2:00pm
8 weeks
Instructor: Christy Gallagher
Instructor's website
Fee: $255
This class with an award-winning watercolor artist includes demonstrations, group lessons, critiques, personal evaluations and individual attention.
The freshness and immediacy of watercolor is perfect for achieving a personal expression. Understanding the fundamentals of design and composition, developing strategies for using light, space, form and color temperature and intensity will enable the student to paint with confidence. Historical and modern ideas of watercolor paintings will be discussed. This class will be working from a live model most weeks.
Materials List
Basic Winsor & Newton Palette
Cadmium Lemon Yellow
Cadmium Yellow,
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red
Alizarin Crimson or Permanent Rose
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Winsor Blue-green shade
Winsor Green-blue shade
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Paper — D’Arches Block 140 lb. cold
press – 10 x 14 or 12 x 16, or 22 x 30 sheets 2 or 3 sheets of 140 lb. cold press Fabriano, Whatman or Winsor & Newton
• Brushes: Round #12 and Flat ¾ or 1” — Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold Brushes are an excellent value.
• Palette –John Pike Palette or Holbein type folding palette
• Tissues and or paper towels
• Board with clips or white tape
• HB pencil
• Kneaded or pink eraser
• Natural sponge