Mar 15 - May 22
12:00 am
Exhibiting Member Show
All work is available for purchase.
Our home is where we physically dwell. We sleep there, eat there and spend time with loved ones there. On the most basic level, it shelters us from the elements. “Home sweet home” protects us and comforts us, a luxury that of course not all people enjoy.
But home is also an idea; a state of mind. Our home is our own little corner of the universe. We might have a “home away from home,” or feel “at home” in places that remind us of home, and we tell visitors to “make yourself at home.” In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy chanted, “There’s no place like home,” while French philosopher Gaston Bachelard stated how the chief benefit of home is that it “allows one to dream in peace.” We decorate them, clean them and spend money to improve them, but what is the intangible that makes a home, HOME?
BEST IN SHOW: Elena McCoy, “Ritual” (Acrylic)
1st Place: Meg Tweedy, “Letter Home” (Mixed Media)
2nd Place: Anna Badini, “At Home” (Oil)
3rd Place: Robert Sachs, “Cam Thanh, Vietnam” (Photography)
Honorable Mention: Jennifer Williams, “Transition” (Oil) and Diane Weeks, “Barrett Bookstore” (Watercolor and Pen)
Judge: Danielle Ogden **Click here for Judge’s Statement and Bio
Chair: Carol Fay, RAC Artist and Board Member (her notes below)
Slide 1: Welcome to our home, our planet, you are here. Home, Sweet, Home.
Slide 2,3,4: Home. A state of mind, a place where we feel safe. Come inside our home, meet our family, our friends, see our things.
Slide 5: Home is where we can just relax, experience simple joys. Sitting, rocking, gazing at the view.
Slide 6: Home is where our kids sleep. It’s always in transition. Our homes may look different but they’re really all the same. Home is where our loved ones are.
Slide 7: It’s the Rituals that we cling to. In good times and bad. Family is our strength.
Slide 8: Sometimes, the only thing that keeps us alive is the connection to our loved ones, our HOME. The world would look bleak without homes. Home is our nest, where we first learn to fly.
Slide 9, 10, 11: Kitchens, coffee, dogs, and ponds. Homes big and small. They are all HOME!
Slide 12: Mothers make a HOME. Clean waves of water wash over our thoughts of HOME. Home is where we long to STAY.