Jul 16 - Aug 6
12:00 am
Juried Show, Open to All Artists
Judge: Hans Neleman – Link to Juror’s Statement and Bio here!
1st Place: Hilary Houston Bachelder, “Rising Under Water”
2nd Place: Laurie Peek, “For Stephen”
3rd Place: Holli Levy, “Cityscape”
Honorable Mention: Jay Wilson, “Nothing Fades Like the Light” and Anne Louise Tetenbaum “Umbrella Girl”
1st Place: Almudena Fernandez Vicens, “Hold Me Tight”
2nd Place: Pamela Park Proctor, “Vessel #5 with Lichens”
3rd Place: Holli Levy, “Decay”
Honorable Mention: Suran Song, “Chocolate from Duchamp! Sky from Magritte! I Undo Dreams of Destruction! Lu-Oh!”
Accepted Artists:
Joyce Andersen, Hilary Houston Bachelder, Paul Berger, Keith Bloomfield, Nancy Breakstone, Anne Brecher, Derek Freres, Maria Friscia, Bill Gore, Sally Harris, Trudy Hodenfield, Marcy Juran, David Kaplan, Tom Kretsch, Lisa Laible, Andrea Letters, Holli Levy, Diane Carten Lynch, Susan McHale, Monique Michaels, Bruce Panock, Laurie Peek, Tad Philipp, Karen Popp, Catherine Prins, Pamela Proctor, Tyler Rhind, Barbara Soares, Suran Song, Robert Speranza, Jim Stasiak, Anne Louise Tetenbaum, Richard Ventre, Almudena Fernandez Vicens, Gregg Welz, Jay Wilson, Zili Zhang
Cash Award: $250 to be split between First Place artists
Artist’s Eligibility: Open to members and non-members
Theme: Open Theme, Photography and Sculpture only
Important Dates
Show Dates: July 16 – August 6, 2023
Receiving Dates: Monday, July 10 (5–7pm) & Tuesday, July 11 (12-2pm)
Opening Reception: Sunday, July 16 (4-6pm)
Pick Up Dates: Monday, August 7 (5–7pm) & Tuesday, August 8 (12–2pm)