Level: all


May 29

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Instructor: Michelle Bjerke

Fee: $45 (includes all supplies and beverages)

THIS CLASS IS FULL. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE PLACED ON THE WAITLIST, email education@rowaytonarts.org or call 203-866-2744 (x-2)

In this workshop, you’ll  learn the basics of crochet that will enable you to create a variety of items in just a few steps. Demonstrations will be given in the beginning of the class then be followed by individual assistance.

There will be a selection of projects to choose from and help whenever needed.  Materials will be provided and given to you at the end of the class for you to begin creating at home.  A fun assortment of beverages will be provided to easily aid any frustration along the way;)

SUPPLY LIST:  All supplies will be provided by RAC


Hello, My name is Michelle Bjerke and I am excited to be teaching Stitch and Sip. I am currently studying at the University of Connecticut while spending my breaks off school working as a gallery assistant as well as teacher here at Rowayton Arts Center. I’ve been an avid crocheter since I was 8 and actually began assisting the after school program that taught me at the qualified age of 12 so lets hope I am a proficient instructor by now. Since then I’ve shown textile work at my school and sold my products here and other places. I am excited to get crocheting with all of you and I hope you walk out of this class with a new skill.