Feb 7 - Mar 6, 2021
Open to Exhibiting Members Only – All Media
Theme: In the dark of winter, we dream about being In the Garden.
Warm sun on our face, the scent of earth in our nose, the blush of tender shoots popping up through barren ground; these memories give us hope and comfort on dreary days and cold nights. Life comes full circle again.
Best in Show: Mari Gyorgyey, “Falling Flowers” (Painting)
1st Place: Heide Follin, “Lace Bouquet” (Painting)
2nd Place: Amy Schott, “Butterfly Garden” (Mixed Media)
3rd Place: Tom Kretsch, “The Lightness of Being ” (Photography)
Honorable Mention: Elena Abrahams, “Roots” (Mixed Media), Ginny Rowan, “Front Door” (Painting), Yuko Ike, “Wisteria” (Painting)
Chair: Pamela Proctor Co-chair: Lilly Langotsky
Judges: Amy Pal and Kevin Manley, Owners of Newton Roux Gallery in Westport
Newton Roux Gallery, located in Bedford Square in downtown Westport, exhibits primary market work of emerging realist and abstract painters. Owners Amy Pal and Kevin Manley created the gallery to help promote talented emerging local artists, while making the buying process transparent and easy for collectors.