Aug 9 - Sep 6, 2020
Juried Show, Open to All Artists
ONLINE GALLERY with Judge’s Statement
Theme: Open Theme, Photography and Sculpture only
Chair: Jay Wilson Co-chair: Nancy Breakstone
@ RAC Artists Talk for the Photography and Sculpture show is now virtual…
RAC Artists Talk: Fruma Markowitz – August 2020 from Andrea Letters on Vimeo.
Judge: Thomas Mezzanotte
Thomas Mezzanotte has been exploring the potentials of the photographic medium for over 35 years. Educated at the University of Bridgeport, he became the director of the University’s Carlson Gallery in the 1980s. As a Connecticut Commission of the Arts Master Teaching Artist, he conducts workshops at schools across Connecticut and at universities nationwide. His work has been exhibited at many galleries and museums around the United States including: New York University, the Santa Fe College of Art , The Elizabeth Leach Gallery in Portland, Oregon, George Eastman House, the John Stevenson Gallery in Chelsea, NY and the William Benton Museum in Storrs, CT.
BEST IN SHOW: Emily Kelting, “Sun Shower” (Color Photography)
1st Place: Margaret Kraus, “Redhook”
2nd Place: Edward Hortick, “Do You Have Your Ticket?”
3rd Place: Tad Philipp, “Narmada River Wrap”
Honorable Mention: Margaret Kraus, “The Block,” Fruma Markowitz, “Cyanotype Series,” Andrea Letters, “Open Book Series,” Michael Corthell, “Dune Fence Dawn,” Nancy Breakstone, “Downpour Beach Break”
1st Place: Andrea Carson, “COVID-2”
2nd Place: Josh Iguchi, “Hedge Series”
3rd Place: Frederick Bannerot IV, “Silver Flower Series”
Honorable Mention: Laure Dunne, “Reaching Pine,” Julie DiBiase, “Ascension,” Andrea Carson, “COVID-1”
1st Place: Joseph Dermody, “Unrestricted”
2nd Place: Sonia Bombart, “Abstract Texting 3”
Accepted Artists: Elena Abrahams, Frederick Bannerot IV, Rem Bigosinski, Elin Bodin, Sonia Bombart, Nancy Breakstone, Janine Brown, Andrea Carson, Michael Corthell, Mariann Covello, Lia D’Angelo, Joseph Dermody, Julie DiBiase, Katharine Draper, Laure Dunne, Maria Friscia, John Holden, Kirsti Holtan, Edward Hortick, Josh Iguchi, Ric Kallaher, Emily Kelting, Ken Kosakoff, Margaret Kraus, Dana Laird, Lilly Langotsky, Andrea Letters, David Lindsay, Fruma Markowitz, Caroline McGuire, Susan McHale, Linda McMillan, David Montgomery, Julie O’Connor, Rick Pank, Marilyn Parker, Tad Philipp, Charlotte Sabbagh, Robert Sachs, Lubomir Tomaszewski, Richard Ventre, Holly M Watts, Jay Wilson, MJ Wolff